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Gemology at your service

Take advantage of the expertise of a qualified gemologist to have your jewelry and precious stones certified.
Equipped with various laboratory tools, such as the trinocular gemological microscope, the refractometer, the grating spectroscope, the long and short ultraviolet, the dichroscope, the magnifying glass, the neodymium magnet, the polariscope and the conoscope, I come to your home and carry out the expertise on the spot.

My training

Graduate of the SRBG (Royal Belgian Gemmological Society)
and FEEG (European Federation of Gemmological Education) in 2017, I worked as a sales administrator in the jewelry sector at the Million Belgique auction house for 2 years.
This work allowed me to acquire experience in the evaluation of jewelry and precious metals.
At the same time, I am completing training in laboratory gemmology in Nantes, the DUG (University Diploma in Gemmology), which allows me to acquire the most advanced knowledge in the field.
I am currently working on my own account as a colored stone merchant, in order to offer you genuine and certified gems .
As expertise is part of my skills , I also offer this service to individuals and professionals.


The certificate

The gemological certificate is produced on the basis of the data collected during the appraisal.

You will find there:

  1. the precise description of the stone using the following information: weight in carats, shape; dimensions in millimeters; color; transparency; a photo. This data allows us to precisely identify that the stone appraised corresponds to the certificate. Any changes made to the stone after the certificate has been issued render the latter null and void.                                          

  2. The nature of the material analyzed (eg: corundum), whether it is natural, synthetic or artificial (eg: synthetic), as well as its variety (eg: ruby).

  3. Finally, when possible using traditional gemmological instruments, whether there is treatment on the material or not (traditional heating, coating, filling, impregnations, dyes).

The certificate will be sent to the client in paper version within 7 working days following the date of the appraisal. A copy of the appraisal report will be given to him on the day of the examination.

There is no indication of market value on the certificate!

Price: 90€/certificate + travel costs (0.45€/kilometer)

The expertise

An oral report accompanied by a list (manuscript or Excel spreadsheet) for the stones to be appraised.

The expertise is carried out using various laboratory devices:

  • Trinocular microscope

  • Refractometer

  • Magnifying glass x 10

  • Prism spectroscope

  • Hydrostatic device scale

  • Polariscope + conoscope

  • Dichroscope

  • UVL and UVS light

  • Neodymium magnet

Price: €100/hour (from 10 min to 60 min per stone depending on complexity) + travel (€0.45/kilometer)


The diamond


The diamond market is currently undergoing a real revolution, due to the development of synthesis processes which make it possible to create diamonds in the laboratory which are chemically identical to natural ones, indistinguishable to the eye or thanks to standard gemmological equipment.


The formation of these diamonds, either by HPHT (High Pressure High Temperature) or CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) process, is done in a few weeks in industrial machines. The evolution of technology makes it possible to reduce costs and offer diamonds at extremely low prices.


Unlike natural diamond, synthetic diamond is not rare or valuable.


Not having the necessary equipment, I will be unable to certify whether a diamond is synthetic or natural, in most cases!


For any request for expertise, contact me directly by phone or by e-mail

06 29 24 76 66

© Neumuller gems

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